This comic was originally created in the fall of 2021 and has been completely re-illustrated as of June 2024. Parts 1 & 2 are available for purchase as a zine.
The sequel to Flame at the Bottom of the Sea was fully illustrated first, but conceptually created second. While the first part ends on a hopeful note, I know it's not that easy to maintain mental and emotional health. However, with a change in routine, environment, help from others, treatment - whatever it is, there are ways to stay above the water. Whether it's higher ground or a life jacket, there are ways to survive hard times and stormy seas.
This comic is set in a real place called Mission Point Lighthouse located in Traverse City, Michigan. A place I've visited at different points throughout my life. This sequel was inspired by the changing of the water levels at the beach during different years. I have a photo of myself as a kid when the water was so low you could walk a quarter mile before hitting the water. The year I made this comic, I couldn't even step on the usually narrow beach, because the water had it lodged in its throat. In its future, I am sure it'll change wildly again.